Mairang, October 23: The SHG Mela cum Health Camp was organised by MSRLS – BMMU Mairang C&RD Block on the 22nd of October, 2021 in Mot Tirot Playground, Mairang.
The programme was inaugurated by Shri. Metbah Lyngdoh, Hon’ble Speaker of the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly who was also the Chief Guest on this day.
The programme was attended by the leaders of 1444 SHGs and 115 VOs. During the event, Community Investment Fund was sanctioned to 6 VOs and 1 CLF amounting to Rs. 25,90,000. 43 SHG Loans amounting to Rs. 1,10,00,000 was sanctioned. 8 loans for SHG entrepreneurs was also sanctioned amounting to Rs. 4, 70,000. Under Social Security Schemes, 87 members were enrolled with PMJJBY and 201 members enrolled with PMSBY. 27 SHG members were vaccinated for Covid-19. Total sale of SHG products was Rs. 2,84,720.